Sunday, September 9, 2007

Anticipation #2

just love this door, it always makes me wonder what I'll find in the secret garden

Stack #31

this is such a cool fountain at Thanksgiving Point

Oops #24

OOPS! forgot my camera was on manual and didn't adjust exposure (but I kinda like the result anyway)

Symmetry #33

loved the look of this brick walkway

What was that #35

thought this looked like a swim mask, but it is actually the mirror on our car from inside

Hard & Soft #17

our kids hand prints in cement contrast with the soft grass

Rustic #27

Not even sure what this is, just some piece of equipment in our back acre

Low Light #20

The sun was almost set when I took this one, I was zooming as I shot

Foliage #11

this is a blade of grass at sunrise

Framed #12

I loved how the tree shadow was framed in the window

Empty #9

choices #6

my little dog having a stand off with the cows I thought they looked like they were deciding who would win (my little dog did, lol) he had them all running it was so funny to watch

Friday, September 7, 2007

I've been tagged

So i've been tagged for my first time (thanks Bonnie lol) twinsmom
So, 8 things you may not know about me......

1. I was born a halloween baby. I never liked it growing up, I always wanted my "own" day, and I always had halloween cakes lol
(now I just use it as an excuse if I have a real "witchy" day.

2. I'm a SAHM (who doesn't seem to be home all that much) 2 boys, sports and a daughter on drill team keeps me plenty busy.

3. I've been on several scrapbook design teams, currently I design for my local scrapbook store. We've just started a gallery you can see some of my work there if you'd like awesomemommy at crazy scraps I also love to visit willow traders
4. I a book-a-holic, LOVe to read. I've been gather books of my own for as long as I can remember. Just one problem, once I start a book I have to read it clear through, I hate waiting. Needless to say sometime I neglect everything when I'm reading.

5. I love to write. Not saying I'm good at it or anything, but I do it anyway, mostly poetry (bad poetry)

6. I love to organize things, especially my scrapbook room. Now nevermind that NOthing stays organized EVER, so I'm in a perpetual nightmare of re-organizing. Nobody ever accused me of being a neat freak.

7. My camera is one of my prized possesions, it is so much fun trying to see things differently, or notice things others may miss. I'm really just a beginner as a photographer, but every once in a while I get a shot that thrills me and it makes all the missed ones worth it. I love to just go exploring with my camera.

8. I love my family, DH and I have been married 18 years and have 3 great kids (at least most of the time they are) seeing them happy is the bright spot of my life, and DH is such a blessing to me.

Thanks to Bonnie for taking time to check out my blog an sharing hers with me too. Hope you'll come back soon

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Good For You #16

another for the challenge, loved the varied colors (ripeness)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Frightening #13

This is DD drill team getting a halloween dance ready. I wanted a "zombie" look so used my long lens without a tripod (which gives me camera shake) and slowly zoomed at the same time. I also took some with a tripod and without zooming, I liked the effect of this one better.

Colors #7

Natural Patterns #23

We just finished a vacation to Oregon. We stopped at a place called Shore Acres and hiked a trail down to the beach. There were the coolest rock formations and they had so many different patterns on them. This is one of my favorites.

From Below # 14

Wandering a local garden Thanksgiving Point in Lehi Ut.
Looking up from under a garden gazebo. At the time I was just wanting to get a shot of the iron work overhead, I didn't pay much attention to the clouds showing through.

Chaos #5

these are flowers taken using a longer exposure and moving the camera

Architectural Detail #3

I had a chance a while back to spend a day walking the temple grounds in SLC, Utah. I couldn't help touching the stones and taking this shot of the temples architecture. It is totally amazing to me that each of the stones for the temple were all hand cut. Each stone was chiseled one at a time from huge pieces of stone taken from the mountains in the area.

First time blogger

I discovered a couple of photography challenges on 2 Peas, and decided to find a home to post my interpretation of those challenges. I love shooting pictures, but I'm certainly a beginner when it comes to knowledge about photography. I've started learning how to use the settings other than "auto" on my camera, but still most of my successes are purely accidental. I am however, thoroughly enjoying the journey and I hope you enjoy looking at the world as I see it.